University Life Professional Staff Development

TED Talk Library

On behalf of the LEAD Office, we are excited to share our new LEAD Ted Talk Library with you all.  With the help of many amazing colleagues, students, and educators, the LEAD Office is happy to share a virtual library of leadership related Ted Talks that focus on the following student learning domains for University Life:

  • Practical Skills
  • Global and Multicultural Inclusion
  • Interpersonal Competence
  • Social Responsibility
  • Identity Development
  • Well-Being

LEAD’s Ted Talk Library is designed to share incredible Ted Talks from across the world focused around these student learning domains. We have also included a few reflection questions for each video category focused on the specific domains. You can use these videos and discussion questions to spark great discussions with your students, professional staff, or just for yourself. We are continuing to develop and enhance our digital library and we will have some cool new ideas to share over the next few weeks.

Feel free to share any of your Ted Talk recommendations with us. Leadership is a broad field so please consider a wide array of themes, not just the student learning domains listed above.

Link to LEAD’s Ted Talk Library: